Convert kilograms to pounds using the proportion 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds. How many kilograms are equal to 72 pounds? Round to the nearest tenth of a kilogram. (1 point)

O 158.4

O 3.27

O 32.7

O 144

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To convert kilograms to pounds, we can use the proportion 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds.

Therefore, to find out how many kilograms are equal to 72 pounds, we can set up the following equation:

1 kilogram / 2.2 pounds = x kilograms / 72 pounds

To solve for x (the number of kilograms), we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

2.2 pounds * x kilograms = 1 kilogram * 72 pounds

2.2x = 72

Dividing both sides by 2.2:

x = 72 / 2.2

x ≈ 32.7

Therefore, 72 pounds is equal to approximately 32.7 kilograms.

Rounding to the nearest tenth of a kilogram, the answer is: 32.7 kilograms.

So the correct answer is:

O 32.7

To convert kilograms to pounds using the proportion 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds, you can set up a proportion and solve for the unknown variable.

The proportion can be written as:

1 kilogram / 2.2 pounds = X kilograms / 72 pounds

To solve for X, you can cross multiply and divide:

(1 kilogram) * (72 pounds) = (2.2 pounds) * (X kilograms)

72 pounds = 2.2X kilograms

Divide both sides by 2.2 to solve for X:

X = 72 pounds / 2.2

X ≈ 32.7

So, 72 pounds is approximately equal to 32.7 kilograms.

Therefore, the answer is option O: 32.7.

To convert kilograms to pounds using the proportion 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds, you can set up a proportion and solve for the unknown value.

Let's call the unknown number of kilograms "x". The proportion can be set up as:

1 kilogram / 2.2 pounds = x kilograms / 72 pounds

To solve for x, you would cross-multiply and divide:

1 kilogram * 72 pounds = 2.2 pounds * x kilograms

72 pounds = 2.2x kilograms

Divide both sides by 2.2 to isolate x:

72 pounds / 2.2 = x kilograms

The result is approximately 32.727 kilograms.

However, since we are asked to round to the nearest tenth of a kilogram, the answer would be 32.7 kilograms.

Therefore, the correct answer is option O 32.7.

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