Convert 96 ounces into pounds explain how you got the answer please help

There are 16 ounces in a pound, so divide 96 by 16

@Reiny is right. If you divide 96 by 16 you will the the answer: 6.

96 ounces = 6 pounds you get that by dividing 96 by 16 TADA

Thank you so much Reiny

Oompa Loompa XXDDD

Oompa Loompa??

i love how people are still responding even though this comment was made in 2019 XD

To get the correct answer you take 96 and divide it by 16. Then you get 6. Or to put it in simpler.

96 divided by 16 = 6

Hope this helped. ( Thx @oompaloompa )

6, And Reiny has the Explanation

Wow you guys. You all really helped me. ( @oompaloompa and @reiny and @ShãdøwDrãgøñ)