-British neglect of colonial affairs

-Parliamentary traditions of British government

-Publishing John Locke's Two Treatise on Government

The distance from the colonies and the home country
The Protestant belief in the importance of the individual
The signing of the Mayflower Compact
The creation of the Virginia House of Burgesses
The circumstances in this list resulted in –

-British neglect of colonial affairs

-Parliamentary traditions of British government

-Publishing John Locke's Two Treatise on Government

The distance from the colonies and the home country
The Protestant belief in the importance of the individual
The signing of the Mayflower Compact
The creation of the Virginia House of Burgesses
The circumstances in this list resulted in –

the right to vote for women in the American colonies

an expansion of representative government in the colonies

the removal of King George III as British monarch

a war in North America between French and English settlers

an increasing desire for self-governance and independence in the American colonies

please pick 1 2 3 or 4

2. an expansion of representative government in the colonies