Omar draws a line on the coordinate plane. Omar draws a second line, line q, that passes through the two distinct points (0,c) and (d,0). What must be true if line q is parallel to line p?

If line q is parallel to line p, then the slopes of the two lines must be equal.

The slope of line p can be determined by comparing the coordinates of two distinct points on line p.

If line p is parallel to the x-axis, the slope is 0.

If line p is parallel to the y-axis, the slope is undefined.

If line p is neither parallel to the x-axis nor the y-axis, the slope can be found using the formula: slope = (change in y-coordinates)/(change in x-coordinates).

Given that line q passes through the two distinct points (0,c) and (d,0), the slope of line q can be found using the formula: slope = (change in y-coordinates)/(change in x-coordinates) = (c-0)/(0-d) = c/(-d).

Therefore, in order for line q to be parallel to line p, the slope of line q, c/(-d), must be equal to the slope of line p.