Line AB is on the coordinate plane and does not pass through the origin. Line AB is dilated with a scale factor of 3 and a center of dilation at the origin to create line A′B′ . Describe the effect of the dilation on line AB . In particular, make sure to describe the relative location and size of line A′B′ compared to line AB . If Line AB was dilated with a scale factor of 13 , how would your answer change?

When line AB is dilated with a scale factor of 3 and a center of dilation at the origin, line A′B′ will be three times longer than line AB and will also pass through the origin. In terms of relative location, line A′B′ will be parallel to line AB and will maintain the same slope.

If line AB was dilated with a scale factor of 13, the effect on line AB would be that line A′B′ will be thirteen times longer than line AB and will also pass through the origin. The relative location and slope of line A′B′ compared to line AB would remain the same, with line A′B′ still being parallel to line AB.