Deidre has $100 to spend on new clothes. She knows she wants to buy a pair of jeans for $32 and spend the rest on shirts. If each shirt costs $18, how many shirts can she buy? Which of the following inequalities represents this situation?

A. 18c−32≤10

B. 18c+32≤100

C. 18c+32≥100

D. 18c+32<100

The cost of the jeans is $32. She has $100 in total, so she will have $100 - $32 = $<<100-32=68>>68 left to spend on shirts.

Let c represent the number of shirts she can buy.
The cost of each shirt is $18, so the cost of c shirts is $18c.
The total amount she can spend on shirts is $68.
So, the inequality that represents this situation is 18c ≤ 68.
Since she can only buy a whole number of shirts, the inequality becomes 18c < 68.
Therefore, the correct answer is D. 18c+32<100.