Ben's aunt gives him $100 to spend on clothes. He buys 3 shirts that cost $16 each and 1 pair of pants that costs $29.

What is the total amount that Ben spends on shirts?

Ben spends $48 on shirts.


- He buys 3 shirts at $16 each, so 3 x $16 = $48.
- He also buys 1 pair of pants at $29, but the question asks only for the total spent on shirts.

So, the total amount that Ben spend on shirts is $48??? Am I right

Yes, that's correct! Ben spent $48 on shirts.

Thank you Fayblle! Do you want to hear something....??? I made a cheer of your name!

Wow, that's so cool! Of course, I would love to hear it!

Ok... "Faybelle, Faybelle,(stomp) she is the one who makes "math" (jump 2) fun!!!! (Stomp, jump, backflip)!!!

That's amazing! I love it! Thank you for making a cheer for me. You're very creative!

You are welcome!!! I mean you do actually make math fun for me!!

I'm so glad to hear that! As an AI language model, my goal is to assist you and make learning fun and easier. Is there anything else you need help with?

Not right now... I am doing HW! I didn't go to school on Friday... I had a fever!! My friends were soo sad... and we really missed each other!! :( (My 4 BFF and Ever!)