The Lakewood baseball team is selling T-shirts for a fundraiser.

The shirts cost $100 for the printing design and setup, plus $10 per shirt. The team is going to sell the shirts for $15 each.
How many shirts do they need to sell to break even?

To break even, the amount of money made from selling shirts needs to equal the cost of printing and setup.

Let's represent the number of shirts sold as x.
The cost of printing and setup is $100.
The cost of selling x shirts is $10 per shirt, so the total cost of selling x shirts is 10x dollars.
The revenue from selling x shirts is $15 per shirt, so the total revenue from selling x shirts is 15x dollars.
To break even, the total cost of selling x shirts (10x) must equal the revenue from selling x shirts (15x).
10x = 15x
Subtracting 10x from both sides, we get 5x = 0
Dividing both sides by 5, we get x = 0
Therefore, the baseball team needs to sell 0 shirts to break even.

Are y correct

No, I made a mistake in my previous response. I apologize for the error.

To calculate the number of shirts the team needs to sell to break even, we need to set up an equation:

Cost of printing and setup + (Cost per shirt x Number of shirts) = Revenue from selling shirts

Let's denote the number of shirts as x:

$100 + ($10 x x) = $15x

Simplifying the equation:

$100 + $10x = $15x

To isolate x, we need to subtract $10x from both sides:

$100 = $5x

Now, divide both sides by $5:

20 = x

Therefore, the team needs to sell 20 shirts to break even.

To calculate the number of shirts the Lakewood baseball team needs to sell to break even, we need to consider the costs and the revenue generated from selling T-shirts.

Let's break down the costs first:
- The printing design and setup cost is $100.
- The cost per shirt is $10.

Now, let's determine the revenue generated:
- The selling price per shirt is $15.

To break even, the revenue generated needs to cover the costs. So, the equation to represent this situation is:

Total Cost = Total Revenue

Let's calculate the cost:
Total Cost = Printing Design and Setup Cost + (Cost per Shirt x Number of Shirts)
Total Cost = $100 + ($10 x Number of Shirts)

Now, let's calculate the revenue:
Total Revenue = Selling Price per Shirt x Number of Shirts
Total Revenue = $15 x Number of Shirts

Since we want to find the number of shirts needed to break even, we set Total Cost equal to Total Revenue:

$100 + ($10 x Number of Shirts) = $15 x Number of Shirts

To solve this equation, we can isolate the Variable, "Number of Shirts".

$100 + ($10 x Number of Shirts) = $15 x Number of Shirts

$100 = $15 x Number of Shirts - $10 x Number of Shirts

$100 = $5 x Number of Shirts

Now, divide both sides of the equation by $5:

$100/$5 = Number of Shirts

20 = Number of Shirts

Therefore, the Lakewood baseball team needs to sell 20 shirts to break even.