What are some questions to give to Jacqueline woodson about "Harbor Me"

1. What inspired you to write "Harbor Me"?

2. Can you discuss the importance of diversity and representation in children's literature, which is highlighted in the book?
3. How did you come up with the idea of the "Harbor Me" classroom as a safe space for the characters to share their stories?
4. The book addresses various social issues, such as immigration, racial discrimination, and family separation. How did you handle these sensitive topics in a way that would resonate with young readers?
5. As with many of your works, "Harbor Me" deals with themes of friendship and community. Why are these themes important to you, and how did you incorporate them into the storyline?
6. "Harbor Me" captures the power of storytelling and empathy. How do you think storytelling can create bridges between people from different backgrounds?
7. The friendships between the characters in the book are incredibly strong and supportive. Can you discuss the significance of these relationships and how they help the characters navigate the challenges they face?
8. "Harbor Me" also addresses the impact of the past on the present, especially through Esteban's family history. Can you expand on your decision to include this historical aspect in the story?
9. How did you approach the writing process differently for "Harbor Me" compared to your previous books?
10. What message or themes do you hope young readers will take away from "Harbor Me"?