short definition of:


Coalition: A coalition refers to a temporary alliance or partnership formed by different individuals, groups, or organizations to achieve a common goal or interest.

Collaborate: Collaborate means to work together with others, typically in a cooperative and coordinated manner, to achieve a shared objective or complete a task.

Communication: Communication refers to the process of sharing information, thoughts, and ideas between individuals or groups through various methods such as speaking, writing, or non-verbal cues.

Ethics: Ethics refers to a set of moral principles or values that govern the behavior and actions of individuals or groups in regards to what is considered right and wrong.

Integrity: Integrity refers to the quality of being honest, upright, and morally sound. It involves adhering to strong ethical principles, being trustworthy, and maintaining consistency between actions and values.

Optimism: Optimism is a mental attitude or perspective characterized by a hopeful and positive outlook on life or a particular situation. It involves believing in the potential for favorable outcomes and expecting the best possible results.

Vision: Vision refers to a clear and inspiring mental picture or perception of a desired future state or objective. It involves having a forward-thinking perspective and the ability to see possibilities and set goals for achieving them.