10. Besides trade goods, what other things moved across trade routes between Europe, Africa, and Asia?

Besides trade goods, various other things moved across trade routes between Europe, Africa, and Asia. These can include:

1. Ideas and knowledge: Trade routes facilitated the exchange of ideas and knowledge, including scientific advancements, philosophical concepts, religious beliefs, and cultural practices. This intellectual exchange contributed to the development of civilizations and the spread of innovations.

2. Technologies: Technological advancements and inventions were also transferred along trade routes. For instance, the compass, papermaking, gunpowder, printing, and various agricultural techniques were introduced to Europe from Asia.

3. Disease: Unfortunately, trade routes also spread diseases. The movement of people, animals, and goods facilitated the transmission of contagious diseases such as the bubonic plague, smallpox, and cholera, resulting in devastating pandemics.

4. Language and literature: Trade routes fostered the growth of linguistic diversity and the spread of various languages. Literature and written works, such as religious texts, philosophical treatises, and historical accounts, were also transmitted across regions, contributing to cultural and intellectual exchange.

5. Religions: Trade routes played a significant role in the spread of major world religions. For instance, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity were disseminated to new regions through trade networks, influencing local religious practices and belief systems.

6. Art and architecture: Different artistic and architectural styles were shared through trade, inspiring and influencing the aesthetics and craftsmanship of various regions. Examples include the influence of Islamic art on European architecture during the Middle Ages and the adoption of Chinese porcelain techniques in European ceramics.

7. Cultural practices: Trade routes facilitated the exchange of cultural practices, including food traditions, clothing styles, musical instruments, and social customs. The interaction between different cultures led to the creation of unique hybrid cultures in trade-affected regions.

8. Scientific instruments: Along with knowledge, various scientific instruments like astrolabes, compasses, and navigational tools were exchanged between regions. These instruments aided in navigation, mapping, and scientific observations.

Overall, trade routes acted as conduits for the movement of not only goods but also ideas, diseases, technologies, arts, religions, and various aspects of culture across Europe, Africa, and Asia.