A map shows major European trade centers. It shows trade routes extending from major European trade centers throughout Europe and the Middle East. It shows that these trade routes extended beyond Europe and the Middle East to India and China, Mali in North Africa, and Russia.

Which major trend in Europe is supported by the information in the map?

the spread of the Black Death from Europe to Africa, Asia, and the Middle East

the economic growth of European towns

the development of major Christian centers in Europe and North Africa

the importance of farming to the population centers on the map

B. the economic growth of European towns. The map shows the extensive trade routes that connected major European trade centers to other regions, indicating a thriving trade and commerce network.

The major trend in Europe supported by the information in the map is B. the economic growth of European towns. The map shows trade routes extending from major European trade centers throughout Europe and the Middle East, indicating a significant level of economic activity and trade between these regions. The trade routes extending beyond Europe and the Middle East to India, China, Mali in North Africa, and Russia further highlight the extent of European economic engagement with these regions, suggesting increased economic growth and expansion for European towns.