Damari is selling popcorn for three dollars a bag. He already has $40 and his gold to earn $85. Use a rhythm to determine how many bags he needs to sell to make his goal would it be 1528, 205 or 135.

To determine the number of bags Damari needs to sell, we can use the equation:

Total amount he needs to earn = Amount he already has + Amount he wants to earn.
Let the number of bags he needs to sell be x.

Based on the given information, the equation can be expressed as:
3x = $40 + $85
3x = $125

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for x:
x = $125 / 3

When the above division is performed, the result for x is approximately 41.67; however, Damari cannot sell a fraction of a bag, so we have two possible solutions:
1) If we round the result down to the nearest whole number, Damari would need to sell 41 bags.
2) If we round the result up to the nearest whole number, Damari would need to sell 42 bags.

Therefore, neither of the options provided (1528, 205, or 135) is the correct answer.