An illustration of a young, Black boy, named Damari, engaging in a suburban street popcorn selling activity. He is visible with an optimistic smile, holding a stack of popcorn bags priced at $3 each in one hand. In the other hand, he holds a wad of $40. There is a money goal visualized in a thought bubble above his head, showing a total sum of $85. Let the focus be on the arithmetic involved, visualize the bags of popcorn and the cash incrementally increasing towards the goal. Ensure that the image contains no text.

Damari is selling popcorn for $3 a bag. He already has $40, and his goal is to earn $85 total. Use arithmetic to determine how many bags he needs to sell to make his goal.(1 point)Responses

To determine the number of bags Damari needs to sell, we can use arithmetic.

Let's subtract the amount of money Damari already has ($40) from his goal ($85):

$85 - $40 = $45

Now, we divide the remaining amount he needs to earn ($45) by the price of each bag ($3):

$45 ÷ $3 = 15

Therefore, Damari needs to sell 15 bags of popcorn to reach his goal of $85.

To determine how many bags Damari needs to sell, we first need to find the amount of money he still needs to reach his goal.

His goal is to earn $85, and he already has $40, so he still needs $85 - $40 = $45.

Since each bag of popcorn is sold for $3, we can find out the number of bags Damari needs to sell by dividing the remaining amount he needs to earn by the price of each bag.

$45 ÷ $3 = 15

Therefore, Damari needs to sell 15 bags of popcorn to make his goal of $85.

To determine how many bags Damari needs to sell to reach his goal of earning $85, we can use arithmetic.

First, we need to find out how much money Damari still needs to earn. His goal is $85 and he already has $40, so the amount he still needs to earn is $85 - $40 = $45.

Next, we need to determine how many bags Damari needs to sell to earn $45. Since each bag of popcorn is sold for $3, we can divide the money he needs to earn by the price per bag: $45 ÷ $3 = 15.

Therefore, Damari needs to sell 15 bags of popcorn to make his goal of earning $85.