Damari is selling popcorn for $3 a bag. He already has $40, and his goal is to earn $85 total. Use arithmetic to determine how many bag he needs to sell to make his goal.


Let x be the number of bags Damari needs to sell.

The total amount of money Damari earns from selling popcorn is 3*x.
His goal is to earn $85, so 3*x = 85.
Dividing both sides of the equation by 3, we get x = 85/3 = 28.33...
Damari cannot sell a fraction of a bag, so he needs to sell 28 bags to make his goal.
Therefore, Damari needs to sell 28 bags to make his goal. Answer: 28.

To determine how many bags Damari needs to sell, we can subtract the amount of money he already has from his goal.

Damari's goal is to earn $85 in total, and he already has $40.

So, to find out how much more money he needs to earn, we subtract $40 from $85:

$85 - $40 = $45

Since each bag of popcorn sells for $3, we can divide the amount of money Damari needs to earn by the price of each bag to find out how many bags he needs to sell:

$45 รท $3 = 15

Therefore, Damari needs to sell 15 bags of popcorn to reach his goal of earning $85.

To determine how many bags Damari needs to sell to make his goal, we can use arithmetic.

Let's start by calculating how much money Damari needs to earn:
Goal - Current amount = Required amount
$85 - $40 = $45

Since each bag of popcorn sells for $3, we can find the number of bags Damari needs to sell by dividing the required amount by the price per bag:
Required amount / Price per bag = Number of bags needed
$45 / $3 = 15

Therefore, Damari needs to sell 15 bags of popcorn to make his goal.