The amount of chocolate chips, in cups, used in a cookie recibe is shown.

Cups of chocolate chips: 1.5, 2, B
Total number of cookies: A, 36,54
How many cups of chocolate chips, B, are needed to make 54 cookies?

In order to determine the amount of chocolate chips needed to make 54 cookies, we need to find the ratio of cups of chocolate chips to the total number of cookies.

Let's use the information given:

Cups of chocolate chips: 1.5, 2, B
Total number of cookies: A, 36, 54

We can write the ratio as:

1.5 cups of chocolate chips / 36 cookies = 2 cups of chocolate chips / 54 cookies

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1.5 cups of chocolate chips * 54 cookies = 2 cups of chocolate chips * 36 cookies

81 cups of chocolate chips = 72 cups of chocolate chips

To solve for B, we need to identify the value of B that satisfies the equation. Since there is no value of B that can make this equation true, the given information does not provide enough information to determine how many cups of chocolate chips, B, are needed to make 54 cookies.