Luis is making chocolate chip cookies. The recipe calls for 18 cup of almonds for every 34 cup of chocolate chips. If Luis uses 3 cups of chocolate chips, how many cups of almonds will he need? Round to the nearest tenth.(1 point)Responses0.8 cup0.8 cup0.5 cup0.5 cup18.0 cups18.0 cups0.4 cup0.4 cup

To find the amount of almonds Luis will need, we can set up a proportion using the given ratio:

18 cups almonds / 34 cups chocolate chips = x cups almonds / 3 cups chocolate chips

Cross-multiplying, we get:
(18 cups almonds)(3 cups chocolate chips) = (34 cups chocolate chips)(x cups almonds)
54 cups almond chips = 34x

Dividing both sides by 34, we find:
x = 54/34 = 1.59

Rounding to the nearest tenth, Luis will need approximately 1.6 cups of almonds.

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To find out how many cups of almonds Luis will need, we can set up a proportion using the given ratio of almonds to chocolate chips.

The ratio is 18 cups of almonds for every 34 cups of chocolate chips.

Let's set up the proportion:

18 cups almonds / 34 cups chocolate chips = x cups almonds / 3 cups chocolate chips

To solve for x, we can cross multiply:

18 cups almonds * 3 cups chocolate chips = 34 cups chocolate chips * x cups almonds

54 cups almond chips = 34 cups chocolate chips * x cups almonds

Divide both sides by 34 cups chocolate chips:

(54 cups almond chips) / (34 cups chocolate chips) = x cups almonds

x ≈ 1.588 cups almonds

Rounding to the nearest tenth, Luis will need approximately 1.6 cups of almonds.

To solve this problem, we will set up a proportion to find the number of cups of almonds needed.

According to the recipe, for every 34 cups of chocolate chips, 18 cups of almonds are required.

Let's represent the number of cups of almonds needed as x.

So, we can set up the proportion:

34 cups of chocolate chips / 3 cups of chocolate chips = 18 cups of almonds / x cups of almonds

To solve for x, we cross-multiply and solve for x:

34 * x = 3 * 18

34x = 54

Now, divide both sides by 34:

x = 54 / 34

Simplifying this, we get:

x ≈ 1.588

Rounding to the nearest tenth, Luis will need approximately 1.6 cups of almonds.

what the actual question is (pls pls pls use the slash key when ur writing out fractions. like this: 1/2. it confuses ppl when u don't use the slash key.):

Luis is making chocolate chip cookies. The recipe calls for 1/8 cup of almonds for every 3/4 cup of chocolate chips. If Luis uses 3 cups of chocolate chips, how many cups of almonds will he need? Round to the nearest tenth.