The amount of chocolate chips, in cups, used in a cookie recibe is shown.

Cups of chocolate chips: 1.5, 2, B
Total number of cookies: A, 36,54
How many cookies, A, can be made with 1.5 cups of chocolate chips?

To find the number of cookies that can be made with 1.5 cups of chocolate chips, we can set up a proportion:

1.5 cups of chocolate chips / A cookies = 2 cups of chocolate chips / 36 cookies.

Cross-multiplying, we have:

1.5 cups of chocolate chips * 36 cookies = 2 cups of chocolate chips * A cookies.

Simplifying, we get:

54 cookies = 2A.

Dividing both sides by 2, we find:

A = 54 cookies / 2 = 27 cookies.

Therefore, 27 cookies can be made with 1.5 cups of chocolate chips.