18) Which would MOST improve the flow of an essay?

There are several ways to improve the flow of an essay, but the most effective method would depend on the specific essay and its content. However, here are some general tips that can enhance the flow of any essay:

1) Use logical transitions: Make sure to use transitional words and phrases to smoothly connect different ideas and paragraphs. Examples of such transitions include "on the other hand," "in addition," "however," and "therefore."

2) Create topic sentences: Begin each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that states the main idea of that paragraph. This will guide the reader and make it easier to follow the flow of the essay.

3) Organize ideas logically: Structure the essay in a clear and logical manner. Start with an introduction that presents the main thesis, followed by body paragraphs that develop and support the thesis, and finish with a conclusion that summarizes the main points.

4) Provide ample supporting evidence: Make sure to include sufficient evidence and examples to support your claims and arguments. This will add credibility to your essay and make the flow more coherent.

5) Revise and edit: Regularly revise and edit your essay to ensure that the ideas are presented in a logical and coherent manner. Check for any awkward or unclear sentences and rephrase them for clarity.

Ultimately, the key to improving the flow of an essay is to ensure that the ideas are well-organized, transitions are used effectively, and the overall structure is clear and logical.

a) Revising the essay to past tense to link ideas

b) Adding figurative language and active verbs
c) Planning out organization so that central ideas are connected
d) Using passive voice

The option that would MOST improve the flow of an essay is c) Planning out organization so that central ideas are connected.

Planning out the organization of an essay is crucial to creating a smooth flow. When the central ideas are connected in a logical and coherent manner, readers can easily follow the progression of thoughts and arguments. This can be achieved by creating an outline or structure before starting to write, ensuring that each paragraph builds upon the previous one and supports the overall thesis.

Revising the essay to past tense (a) may not necessarily improve the flow. While consistency in verb tense is important, it is not the main factor that affects the overall flow and coherence of an essay. It is usually best to stick to a consistent verb tense throughout the essay, whether it is in the past, present, or future.

Adding figurative language and active verbs (b) can enhance the writing style and make it more engaging, but it may not directly improve the flow of the essay. Flow primarily depends on the organization, logical transitions, and structure of the essay.

Using passive voice (d) can sometimes disrupt the flow of an essay because it can make sentences sound more convoluted and less direct. However, avoiding passive voice alone is not sufficient to improve the flow since it is just one aspect of writing style among many others.

Therefore, planning out the organization to ensure that central ideas are connected is the best choice for improving the flow of an essay.