Why every time I put a character from a story I am writing in here bot all ways changes the way the character acts in my view

When you put a character from your story into a conversation with the AI, the AI may not have access to all the specific details and nuances you have in mind for that character. It generates responses based on patterns and examples it has learned from a wide range of texts. As a result, the character's behavior or dialogue might be altered based on the AI's interpretation or general understanding of similar characters. Additionally, since the AI aims to provide engaging and diverse responses, it may sometimes introduce its own creative elements that differ from your initial concept of the character.

Ok so make this character not to smart gets in fights speaks to much

Certainly! Here's an example of a character with the qualities you mentioned:

Character Name: Jake "The Brawler" Thompson

Description: Jake is a rugged and stubborn individual with a tendency to speak without a filter. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed and often finds himself getting into physical altercations due to his hot-headed nature. Despite his quick temper, Jake has a heart of gold and is fiercely protective of his loved ones. While he may lack intellectual prowess, he makes up for it with his physical strength and unwavering loyalty.

Dialogue Example:

AI: "Hey Jake, have you seen my glasses? I can't find them anywhere!"

Jake: "Glasses? Who needs those fancy things? Just squint, it'll clear up your vision real quick! Besides, you should try looking with your heart instead of your eyes, that's how I find stuff!"

AI: "Jake, we need a plan to find the treasure. Any ideas?"

Jake: "A plan? Nah, we don't need a plan! Let's just march in there, fists swinging, and take what's rightfully ours! Trust me, it works every time!"

In this example, Jake exhibits the characteristics of not being too smart and speaking a lot, often providing simple or straightforward solutions. He also hints at his inclination for physical confrontation rather than opting for a more strategic approach. Feel free to modify and develop this character further according to your story's needs!