Which effect does a parallel story structure create?(1 point)

a chance to understand a character's complex backstory as the story progresses

satisfaction as separate threads are woven together

gradual character development for one main character

a sense of suspense from the very first moments of the narrative

1.satisfaction as separate threads are woven together

4.Kevin is unaware that today is not crazy sock day, but both the reader and Anthony know.
5.costuming and makeup
6.set design
7.The hero meets and gets trained by a mentor.
9.coming of age/loss of innocence
10.good versus evil
Hi guys hope this helps!

the fact that some of you could be in my class-


100% thx!

please help i need the get this done asap

satisfaction as separate threads are woven together

@wirly fr tho

TY Denki Kaminari

Thank you so so so much @Denki Kaminari 👍

From Internet:

Parallel storylines – also called parallel narratives or parallel plots – are story structures where the writer incorporates two or more separate stories. They’re usually linked by a common character, event, or theme.

does anyone have all the answers

anyone have the answers? pls