Which example shows a narrative technique that an author could use to most effectively reveal a character's personality?

Have the story be told only in first-person point of view.
Have the character live in a specific place and time.
Have the character converse with others through dialogue.
Have the story include a variety of problems to be solved.

Having the character converse with others through dialogue is the narrative technique that an author could use most effectively to reveal a character's personality. Through dialogue, the author can show how the character interacts with others, their communication style, their attitudes, values, and beliefs, and how they respond to different situations and conflicts. This allows readers to actively engage with the character and gain a clearer understanding of their personality.

The narrative technique that an author could use to most effectively reveal a character's personality is to have the story include a variety of problems to be solved. This technique allows the reader to observe the character's mindset, emotions, and actions as they face different challenges. It provides opportunities for the character to make decisions, show their problem-solving skills, and exhibit their values and beliefs. Through the process of problem-solving, the character's true nature and unique personality traits can be revealed to the reader.

The narrative technique that an author could use to most effectively reveal a character's personality is to have the character converse with others through dialogue. This technique allows readers to observe the character's thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and interactions with others, which provides valuable insight into their personality. By engaging in dialogue with other characters in the story, the character's personality is revealed through their choice of words, tone, reactions, and the way they interact with others. This technique allows readers to form a deeper understanding of a character's traits, motivations, attitudes, and behavior, ultimately bringing them to life.

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