Rewrite the irrational cube root 189−−−√3 as the product of an integer and another irrational cube root. Show your work.

Note: You will find the option to add a cubic root symbol in the Algebra ( ×
) keyboard.

(2 points)

We can rewrite the irrational cube root as follows:

∛189 = ∛(27 × 7)

√3 × ∛(27 × 7)

Now, 27 is a perfect cube (3^3). Therefore, we can rewrite the expression as:

√3 × ∛(3^3 × 7)

Next, we can apply the property of cube roots which states that for any positive integer n, ∛(a × b × n) = ∛a × ∛b × ∛n. Using this property, we can rewrite the expression again:

√3 × ∛3^3 × ∛7

Simplifying further:

√3 × 3 × ∛7

This can be written as the product of an integer and another irrational cube root:

3√3 × ∛7

can u make it into a text and make in a small text

Sure! Here's the rewritten expression in a smaller text:

∛189 = √3 × ∛(27 × 7) = √3 × ∛(3^3 × 7) = √3 × 3 × ∛7 = 3√3 × ∛7