What is the irrational cube root 81−−√3 rewritten as a product of an integer and another irrational cube root?

Note: You will find the option to add a cubic root symbol in the Algebra ( ×
) keyboard.

To rewrite the irrational cube root as a product of an integer and another irrational cube root, we need to find a perfect cube that can be factored out of 81.

81 can be expressed as (3^4) since 3^4 = 81.

81^(1/3) can be written as (3^4)^(1/3).

Using the property of exponents, we can rewrite it as:

(3^4)^(1/3) = 3^(4/3).

Therefore, the irrational cube root 81^(1/3) can be written as the product 3 * (3^(1/3)).

To rewrite the irrational cube root ∛(81-√3) as a product of an integer and another irrational cube root, we can simplify the expression using the property of cube roots.

Let's start by simplifying the cube root of 81:

∛(81) = 4

Next, let's simplify the cube root of √3:

∛(√3) cannot be simplified further, as √3 is an irrational number.

Now, we can rewrite the original expression as a product:

∛(81-√3) = ∛(81) * ∛(√3)

Plugging in the simplified expressions, we get:

∛(81-√3) = 4 * ∛(√3)

Therefore, the irrational cube root ∛(81-√3) can be rewritten as the product of the integer 4 and the irrational cube root ∛(√3).

To rewrite the irrational cube root 81√3 as a product of an integer and another irrational cube root, we need to find a perfect cube that is a multiple of 81.

81 is a perfect cube because it is equal to (3^4). Taking the cube root of 81, we get 3.

So, we can rewrite 81√3 as (3 * √3).

Therefore, the irrational cube root 81√3 can be rewritten as the product of 3 and the irrational cube root √3.