In your own words, explain the issues surrounding adding Texas to the US ((4-6 complete sentences, use supporting details from today's class).

Adding Texas to the United States raises various issues due to its historical, geographical, and political factors. Firstly, one issue is Texas' history as an independent republic and its fight for independence from Mexico. Adding it to the US could challenge the sovereignty and autonomy that Texas has enjoyed. Additionally, Texas is the second-largest state in terms of both land area and population, which raises concerns about its representation in the federal government. This could potentially tip the balance of power in Congress and affect the political landscape of the country. Moreover, Texas has a unique cultural identity with elements of both Mexican and American cultures, which would need to be considered and respected. Lastly, environmental concerns arise due to Texas' dependence on fossil fuels, particularly oil and gas, which could impact the country's efforts to mitigate climate change.