Use the following sentence to complete the activity.

Mary ate the cupcakes that her mother made for her.

In one to two sentences, identify the bold words as an independent clause, dependent clause, or phrase, and explain their functions within the senten


Independent clause: "Mary ate the cupcakes." This is a complete sentence on its own as it has a subject (Mary) and a predicate (ate the cupcakes).

Dependent clause: "that her mother made for her." This clause cannot stand on its own as it is a subordinate clause that relies on the independent clause to make sense. It functions as an adjective clause, modifying "the cupcakes" by describing which cupcakes Mary ate (the ones her mother made for her).

In the given sentence, "Mary ate the cupcakes" is an independent clause as it can stand alone as a complete sentence. "that her mother made for her" is a dependent clause because it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. Its function within the sentence is to provide additional information about the cupcakes, specifying who made them.