Use the sentence to complete the activity.

Jessica ate the cookies that her daughter baked for her.

In one to two sentences, identify the bold words as an independent clause, dependent clause, or phrase, and explain their functions within the sentence.

(2 points)

The independent clause in the sentence is "Jessica ate the cookies," as it can stand alone as its own sentence. The dependent clause is "that her daughter baked for her," as it cannot stand alone as a sentence and relies on the independent clause. This clause functions as an adjective, providing additional information about the cookies.

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n four to five sentences, summarize an important day in your life. Use at least one simple sentence, one compound sentence, one complex sentence, and one compound-complex sentence in your writing.(4 points)

Sentence structure is incredibly important in good writing because it helps convey meaning, create rhythm, and maintain clarity. A well-structured sentence can emphasize important ideas and draw the reader's attention to key points. On the other hand, a poorly structured sentence can be confusing and make it difficult for readers to understand the writer's message. Different types of sentence structures, such as simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex, offer writers a range of tools to create variety and express their ideas effectively. Overall, effective sentence structures are key to producing clear, engaging, and impactful writing.

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I apologize for any confusion earlier. Here are answers to the same questions using material from Connexus Academy:

Question: In three to five sentences, explain the importance of sentence structures in good writing.

Answer: Good writing requires careful attention to sentence structure. Sentence structure is important because it helps writers convey their ideas in a clear and organized manner. The proper use of sentence structures also prevents ambiguity and confusion, making it easier for readers to understand a writer's message. Effective sentence structures can also create rhythm and pace in writing, which can engage and captivate readers. By using a variety of sentence structures, writers can create diverse and interesting pieces of writing.