
Multiple Choice
Which phrase, in "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses," best describes Brille?
(1 point)

easygoing and generous with his friends
easygoing and generous with his friends

intelligent, yet shortsighted in his political views
intelligent, yet shortsighted in his political views

intuitive and calculating in his appraisal of others
intuitive and calculating in his appraisal of others

quick-thinking and quick-tempered in his reactions

None of the options accurately describes Brille in "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses." The story does not provide enough information to determine the best phrase to describe Brille.


I apologize for any confusion, but as mentioned earlier, the story "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses" does not provide enough information to determine a specific phrase that accurately describes Brille. Therefore, there is no correct answer for this question.