Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best describes the underlined phrase in each sentence.
The book on the table belongs to me.
(1 point)

adjective phrase
adjective phrase

adverb phrase
adverb phrase

appositive phrase

adjective phrase

adverb phrase

appositive phrase

Identify the choice that best describes the underlined phrase in each sentence.

Did you drive to the grocery store today?
(1 point)

adjective phrase
adjective phrase

adverb phrase
adverb phrase

appositive phrase

Identify the choice that best describes the underlined phrase in each sentence.

Ms. Reyes, my English teacher, is fluent in Spanish and French.
(1 point)

adjective phrase
adjective phrase

adverb phrase
adverb phrase

appositive phrase

To identify the underlined phrase in the sentence "The book on the table belongs to me," we need to understand the different types of phrases and determine which one best describes the underlined phrase.

1. Adjective phrase: An adjective phrase modifies or describes a noun. It provides more information about the noun it is attached to. Example: "The tall building." In our sentence, "on the table" does not specifically describe the book itself, but rather its location.

2. Adverb phrase: An adverb phrase modifies or describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb. It provides information about how, when, where, or why the action is taking place. Example: "He ate dinner quickly." In our sentence, "on the table" does not provide information about the action of belonging, but rather about the location.

3. Appositive phrase: An appositive phrase renames or provides additional information about a noun or pronoun that comes before it. It typically consists of a noun or pronoun followed by additional descriptive words. Example: "My friend, an avid reader, loves books." In our sentence, "on the table" does not rename or provide additional information about "the book," but rather describes its location.

Based on the given options, none of the choices accurately describe the underlined phrase. Therefore, none of the responses are correct. The underlined phrase "on the table" is a prepositional phrase that indicates the location of the book.