Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best describes the underlined phrase in each sentence.
The book on the table belongs to me.
(1 point)

adjective phrase
adjective phrase

adverb phrase
adverb phrase

appositive phrase
appositive phrase

Identify the choice that best describes the underlined phrase in each sentence.

Did you drive to the grocery store today?
(1 point)

adjective phrase
adjective phrase

adverb phrase
adverb phrase

appositive phrase

adjective phrase

adverb phrase

Identify the choice that best describes the underlined phrase in each sentence.

Ms. Reyes, my English teacher, is fluent in Spanish and French.
(1 point)

adjective phrase
adjective phrase

adverb phrase
adverb phrase

appositive phrase

appositive phrase

To identify the underlined phrase, we first need to understand what each option means.

1. Adjective phrase: A group of words that modifies a noun or pronoun in a sentence.
2. Adverb phrase: A group of words that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb in a sentence.
3. Appositive phrase: A noun or pronoun that renames or identifies another noun or pronoun in a sentence.

In the given sentence, "The book on the table belongs to me," the underlined phrase is "on the table." This phrase tells us where the book is located and modifies the noun "book." Since it modifies a noun, the correct choice is an adjective phrase.

So the correct answer is: adjective phrase.