Which of the following numbers can replace the missing numerator to make the addition sentence true? 32/57 + ?57 = 54/57

To make the addition sentence true, we need to find the missing numerator such that when added to 32/57, it equals 54/57.

We can use the fact that the denominators are the same (57) and set up the equation:

32/57 + x/57 = 54/57

To solve for x, we can subtract 32/57 from both sides:

x/57 = 54/57 - 32/57

Subtracting the fractions on the right side gives:

x/57 = 22/57

Now, to isolate x, we can multiply both sides by 57:

57 * (x/57) = 57 * (22/57)

The 57s on the left side of the equation cancel out, and we are left with:

x = 22

Therefore, the missing numerator that can replace the "?" is 22.