Use the table of data from an investigation to answer the question.

Mass of ball (grams) Time to hit ground (seconds)
10 1.02
15 1.01
26 1.62
A student is investigating gravity and falling objects. She drops three balls and times how long it takes each ball to hit the ground. What is the most likely source of error?

(1 point)

She used balls that are different sizes.
She used balls that are different sizes.

She dropped the balls from different heights.
She dropped the balls from different heights.

She did not measure the circumference of the balls.
She did not measure the circumference of the balls.

She did not measure the mass after the balls hit the ground.
She did not measure the mass after the balls hit the ground.
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The most likely source of error is that she dropped the balls from different heights.

The next step should be to perform a second trial to ensure accuracy and reliability of the data.

The student who most likely had an error in the results is Owen, as Ball 2 took a significantly shorter time to hit the ground compared to the other two balls.

The student can improve the investigation by dropping the balls from the same height.

being a full and equal member of a nation

all of these are right

A student wants to know if the effect of gravity is the same on all objects. She follows these steps:

Drop a 5-gram ball, a 10-gram ball, and a 12-gram ball from a height of 10 meters.
Record how long it takes for each object to hit the ground.
Which step should be next?

(1 point)

Perform a second trial.
Perform a second trial.

Choose new balls.
Choose new balls.

Measure the mass of the balls again.
Measure the mass of the balls again.

Drop the balls from a different height.

Investigating Gravity Quick Check

3 of 43 of 4 Items

Use the table of data from an investigation on the effect of gravity on falling objects to answer the question.

Student Ball 1 (seconds) Ball 2 (seconds) Ball 3 (seconds)
Ziva 0.52 0.51 0.51
Jade 0.51 0.52 0.52
Eduardo 0.50 0.50 0.50
Owen 0.50 0.37 0.51
Four students investigated the effect of gravity on falling objects. The students all used the same three balls and dropped them from a height of 8 meters. They recorded the time it took for each ball to hit the ground. Which student most likely had an error in the results?

(1 point)





Investigating Gravity Quick Check

4 of 44 of 4 Items

Use the table of criteria for an investigation to answer the question.

Object To Be Dropped Drop Height (meters)
10-gram ball 5
5-gram ball 8
18-gram ball 10
A student designs an investigation to study the effect of gravity on objects on Earth. He will use the criteria shown. How can the student improve the investigation?

(1 point)

by finding balls made from different materials
by finding balls made from different materials

by measuring the circumference of the balls
by measuring the circumference of the balls

by dropping the balls from the same height
by dropping the balls from the same height

by using balls that are the same mass
by using balls that are the same mass

What is a definition of citizenship?

(1 point)

having been born in a country
having been born in a country

being a full and equal member of a nation
being a full and equal member of a nation

having pledged to respect and support a government’s values
having pledged to respect and support a government’s values

fulfilling all the responsibilities and having all the rights of living in a society