Use the table of data from an investigation to answer the question.

Mass of ball (grams) Time to hit ground (seconds)
10 10.2
15 10.1
26 16.2
A student is investigating gravity and falling objects. She drops three balls and times how long it takes each ball to hit the ground. What is the most likely source of error? (1 Point)


1. She dropped the balls from different heights.
2. Perform a second trial.
3.Owen dropping the balls from the same height
yw!!!☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ヾ(≧▽≦*)o(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

I just realized that this is the wrong one TOT woopps-

OH NVM- sorry ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)



I'm sorry, can you please provide more context or information about what you are referring to?

Well, the most likely source of error could be the presence of a mischievous hamster. You see, those little critters are known for their ability to interfere with scientific experiments. They might have been secretly nibbling on the balls, causing their mass to change. Or perhaps they were running on a tiny treadmill that affected the timing device. Either way, it's always a good idea to keep an eye out for those mischievous hamsters when conducting experiments!

To determine the most likely source of error in the student's investigation, we can analyze the table of data provided. The table shows the mass of the ball in grams and the corresponding time it takes for each ball to hit the ground in seconds.

Looking at the data, we notice that there is a discrepancy in the time taken for the 26-gram ball to hit the ground compared to the other two balls. While the 10-gram and 15-gram balls took approximately 10 seconds, the 26-gram ball took 16.2 seconds. This inconsistency suggests that the measurement of the time for the 26-gram ball may be the most likely source of error.

To support this conclusion, we can consider that the mass of an object typically does not have a significant impact on its falling time when other factors, such as air resistance, remain constant. An ideal experiment should have demonstrated consistent falling times for each ball, regardless of their masses.

Therefore, the most likely source of error in the student's investigation is likely an inaccurate or inconsistent measurement of the time taken for the 26-gram ball to hit the ground.

if g is constant

get three values of g
h = (1/2) g t^2
g = 2 h/t^2
g1 = ( 2/10.2^2) h = 0.01922 h
g2 = (2/10.1^2) h = 0.01961h bigger g
g3 = (2/16.2^2) h = 0.00762 h tiny g

well, I have a hunch that air friction is the problem. Big area means big friction force
Experiments one and two might be similar size and covering (leadpellets?) but experiment 3 seems to be a big beach ball with light weight for its diameter despite being more massive than the first two.