Estimate the value of x given this equation: 4x−189=578 .(1 point) Responses 150 150 100 100 200 200 160

To solve the equation 4x - 189 = 578, we can isolate the variable x by adding 189 to both sides of the equation:

4x - 189 + 189 = 578 + 189
4x = 767

Finally, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 4:

x = 767/4

The estimated value of x is approximately 191.75. However, none of the given responses match this value.

Choose one

If we must choose one of the given responses, the closest estimate to the actual value of x is 200. However, it is important to note that this is an estimate and not the exact value.

A carnival wants to estimate its total potential revenue on popcorn sales. They have 19,717 grams of popcorn kernels, and each serving uses 196 grams. Each serving sells for $5. If they sell all the popcorn, approximately how much potential revenue will the carnival make?(1 point) Responses $100 $100 $950 $950 $500 $500 $475

Choose one

To find the potential revenue, we need to divide the total amount of popcorn kernels by the amount used per serving. Then, we multiply that by the selling price per serving.

Total potential revenue = (Total popcorn kernels / Amount used per serving) * Selling price per serving

Total potential revenue = (19,717 grams / 196 grams) * $5

Calculating this, we get:

Total potential revenue = 100.583 * $5

Rounded to the nearest dollar, the carnival could potentially make $500.

Therefore, the correct response is $500.