Which of the following answers gives the best estimate for x given the following equation? x50−94=189 (1 point) Responses 150,000 150,000 15,000 15,000 1,500 1,500 150

The best estimate for x can be found by rearranging the equation:

x - 94 = 189
x = 189 + 94
x = 283

Therefore, the best estimate for x is 283. None of the provided options match this answer.

Which of the following answers gives the best estimate for x given the following equation? x50−94=189 (1 point) Responses 150,000 150,000 15,000 15,000 1,500 1,500 150

I apologize for the misinformation in my previous response. To find the best estimate for x, let's solve the given equation x - 50 - 94 = 189:

x - 144 = 189
x = 189 + 144
x = 333

Therefore, the best estimate for x is 333. None of the provided options match this answer.

To solve the equation x/50 - 94 = 189, we'll first isolate the variable x.

Step 1: Add 94 to both sides of the equation to eliminate the -94 on the left side:
x/50 - 94 + 94 = 189 + 94
x/50 = 283

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by 50 to eliminate the fraction:
50 * (x/50) = 50 * 283
x = 50 * 283
x = 14150

Therefore, the answer that gives the best estimate for x is 14,150.