Estimate the value of x given this equation: 4x−189=578.(1 point)






To find the value of x, we need to isolate the variable by moving the constant term to the other side of the equation.

4x - 189 = 578

First, add 189 to both sides of the equation:

4x = 578 + 189
4x = 767

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 4:

x = 767/4

Using a calculator, we can find that 767/4 is approximately 191.75.

Therefore, the estimated value of x is 191.75.

A carnival wants to estimate its total potential revenue on popcorn sales. They have 19,717 grams of popcorn kernels, and each serving uses 196 grams. Each serving sells for $5. If they sell all the popcorn, approximately how much potential revenue will the carnival make?(1 point)






To find the potential revenue, we need to determine how many servings of popcorn can be made from the given amount of popcorn kernels, and then multiply that by the price per serving.

The total number of servings can be found by dividing the total amount of popcorn kernels by the amount used per serving:

19,717 grams / 196 grams = 100.5878

Since we cannot have a fraction of a serving, we can round the result to the nearest whole number:

Approximately 101 servings can be made.

To find the potential revenue, we multiply the number of servings by the price per serving:

101 servings * $5 per serving = $505

Therefore, the carnival's estimated potential revenue from popcorn sales is $505.

Estimate the value of x given this equation: 11x+29=82 .(1 point)






To find the value of x, we need to isolate the variable by moving the constant term to the other side of the equation.

11x + 29 = 82

First, subtract 29 from both sides of the equation:

11x = 82 - 29
11x = 53

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 11:

x = 53/11

Using a calculator, we can find that 53/11 is approximately 4.81818...

Therefore, the estimated value of x is approximately 4.82.

A food pantry needs 1,021 cans of tomatoes. A local school collected donations and gave the food pantry 689 cans of tomatoes. The food pantry will need to buy the rest. If they can buy the cans for $0.95 each, approximately how much money will they spend?(1 point)






To find the amount of money the food pantry will spend, we need to determine how many cans of tomatoes they still need to buy and then multiply that by the cost per can.

The number of cans they still need to buy can be found by subtracting the number of donated cans from the total number needed:

1,021 cans - 689 cans = 332 cans

Therefore, the food pantry still needs to buy 332 cans of tomatoes.

To find the cost of buying the remaining cans, we multiply the number of cans by the cost per can:

332 cans * $0.95 per can = $315.40

Therefore, the food pantry will spend approximately $315.40.