Which of the following answers gives the best estimate for x given the following equation? 21x + 1, 998 = 2, 243

For the determine reasonableness of solutions quick check, the answers are:

1. -300
2. 100,000 cells
3. 15,000
4. $130,000
5. 10

Hope this helps a bit

To find the value of x in the equation 21x + 1,998 = 2,243, we can first isolate x by subtracting 1,998 from both sides of the equation:

21x + 1,998 - 1,998 = 2,243 - 1,998
21x = 245

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 21 to solve for x:

21x/21 = 245/21
x = 11.67 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the best estimate for x is approximately 11.67.