Create a detailed, visually appealing image consisting of mathematical symbols and equations. The main equation should be 21x + 1998 = 2243. Additionally, include numerical options such as 100, 10, 1000, and 1 as potential solutions, ensuring that they are presented as individual sections, perhaps highlighted or emphasized with design elements. However, ensure there is no written text within the image.

which of the following answers gives the best estimate for x given the following equation?






To find the best estimate for x, we need to solve the equation 21x + 1,998 = 2,243.

Subtracting 1,998 from both sides of the equation, we get:
21x = 2,243 - 1,998
21x = 245

Dividing both sides of the equation by 21, we find:
x = 245/21
x ≈ 11.67

Out of the given options, the best estimate for x is 10.