places located in high latitudes have: a)the coldest climates on earth B)the same weather as places in other latitiudes. i choose a. places the atmosphere: A)create tides B)has no effect on heat gain or loss C)allows heat to escape quickly in order to cool the planet D)keeps heat from escaping too quickly into space. i choose a or d.

The first is correct.

The second is you check what you have typed?

if its not d is it b

For the first question, to determine whether places located in high latitudes have the coldest climates on Earth, you can refer to their geographical location. High latitudes generally refer to regions closer to the Earth's poles, such as the Arctic and Antarctic. These areas are known for extreme cold temperatures due to several factors, including the tilt of the Earth's axis and the low angle of sunlight reaching these regions. Therefore, the correct answer is indeed option A) the coldest climates on Earth.

Now, for the second question regarding the atmosphere's role, we need to consider its impact on heat gain or loss. The Earth's atmosphere plays a crucial role in regulating the planet's temperature and climate. Among the options provided, option C) allowing heat to escape quickly in order to cool the planet is incorrect. The atmosphere actually acts as an insulator, reducing the rate at which heat escapes into space.

Option B) having no effect on heat gain or loss is also incorrect. The atmosphere is responsible for trapping heat through the greenhouse effect, which keeps the Earth's surface warmer than it would be without an atmosphere.

The correct answer is option D) keeping heat from escaping too quickly into space. The atmosphere contains greenhouse gases that absorb and re-emit heat radiation, preventing rapid heat loss and maintaining a stable temperature on Earth.

In summary, the correct answers are:

1) a) the coldest climates on Earth
2) d) keeps heat from escaping too quickly into space