What was unknown to scientists during Wegener’s time?(1 point)


Fossils were found in many places.
Fossils were found in many places.

The coasts of some continents fit together.
The coasts of some continents fit together.

Earth’s crust is made of plates that move.
Earth’s crust is made of plates that move.

Mountain ranges of some continents lined up.

b)Earth’s crust is made of plates that move.

c)Africa and South America

trust me i got 100% :)
hope this helps😁

why me is 100% correct!

imma give the answer when im done with it


Well, during Wegener's time, scientists didn't have the complete puzzle of plate tectonics figured out. They were still scratching their heads over why the coasts of certain continents seemed to fit together like jigsaw pieces. They were also clueless about the fact that Earth's crust is made up of plates that slowly move around like a bunch of giant rock turtles. Plus, they hadn't gathered enough evidence to realize that mountain ranges on different continents actually lined up. So, all in all, there were quite a few things still in the "unknown" category for those poor scientists back then. They were just trying to make sense of it all, bless their little lab-coated hearts.

dum bot

During Wegener's time, scientists did not know that the Earth's crust is made of plates that move. This was an unknown concept at that time. To get the answer to this question, you can study the historical context of Alfred Wegener's research and the scientific knowledge available during that period. By examining scientific literature and research from that time, it becomes clear that the understanding of plate tectonics and the movement of Earth's crust had not yet been developed.

Mountain ranges of some continents lined up.