warm up activity, Introduction ,Presentation, Video Analysis, Interactive Quiz
what it is?

These are different types of learning activities commonly used in educational settings to enhance student engagement and facilitate learning.

1. Warm-up activity: This is a short activity at the beginning of a lesson or class session intended to get students mentally prepared and focused. It can be a quick review of previous material, a brainstorming session, or a short game.

2. Introduction: This is the part of the lesson where the topic or concept is introduced to the students. It can involve providing background information, setting learning objectives, or creating relevance by connecting the new material to students' prior knowledge or real-world experiences.

3. Presentation: This is the main portion of the lesson where the teacher presents new information or concepts to the students. It can involve lectures, demonstrations, visual aids, or multimedia presentations.

4. Video analysis: This activity involves watching a video relevant to the topic being studied and analyzing its content. Students may be asked to take notes, answer specific questions, or engage in a discussion about the video's themes or information.

5. Interactive quiz: This activity allows students to actively participate and test their knowledge on the lesson material. It can be done through the use of online platforms, classroom clickers, or worksheets. The quiz can be individual or done in teams, providing a fun and engaging way for students to review and reinforce their learning.