What is the concept related to the interpretation of images by machines mentioned in the How computer vision works video [link]?

A) Artificial Intelligence
B) Computer Vision
C) Machine Learning
D) Data Analysis

B) Computer Vision

How does a computer initially perceive the images of the shapes X and O in the How computer vision works video [link]?

A) As squares filled with pixels
B) As letters X and O
C) As circles and crosses
D) As random patterns

A) As squares filled with pixels

What allows a computer to recognize shapes regardless of their size, symmetry, or rotation, as mentioned in the How computer vision works video [link]?

A) Traditional Programming
B) Machine Learning
C) Artificial Intelligence
D) Data Analysis

B) Machine Learning

How does the computer improve its ability to recognize shapes during the training process described in the How computer vision works video [link]?

A) By randomly selecting shapes
B) By analyzing pixel patterns and making rules
C) By memorizing correct answers
D) By ignoring incorrect guesses

B) By analyzing pixel patterns and making rules

How does a computer vision system recognize complex images, such as scenes in the real world according to the How computer vision works video [link]?

A) By analyzing individual pixels independently
B) By breaking down complex images into simple patterns
C) By memorizing images it has seen before
D) By avoiding neural networks

B) By breaking down complex images into simple patterns