Harry buys 3 shirts at $15.80 each, and a pair of jeans for $22.30 The shop has a sale on, and so he receives a $6.97 discount.

Write and solve a numerical expression for how much he spends in total.

First, let's find the total cost of the shirts: 3 shirts * $15.80/shirt = $<<3*15.80=47.40>>47.40

Next, let's find the total cost of everything before the discount: $47.40 + $22.30 = $<<47.40+22.30=69.70>>69.70
Finally, let's subtract the discount: $69.70 - $6.97 = $<<69.70-6.97=62.73>>62.73
Harry spends a total of $62.73. Answer: \boxed{62.73}.