A hiker ascended 34 of a kilometer in 116 of an hour. What was the mountain hiker's ascent rate in kilometers per hour (kph)?(1 point) Responses 12 kph 12 kph 3 kph 3 kph 16 kph 16 kph 9 kph 9 kph

To find the ascent rate in kilometers per hour (kph), we need to divide the distance (34 km) by the time (116 h):

Ascent rate = distance/time
Ascent rate = 34 km / 116 h

Using a calculator, we get:

Ascent rate ≈ 0.2931 km/h

Since we round to the nearest whole number, the ascent rate is approximately 0 kph.

Therefore, none of the provided options (12 kph, 3 kph, 16 kph, or 9 kph) are correct.