A hiker ascended 3 over 4 of a kilometer in 1 over 16 of an hour. What was the mountain hiker's ascent rate in kilometers per hour (kph)

To find the ascent rate in kilometers per hour (kph), we need to find the total distance travelled in 1 hour.

The hiker ascended 3 over 4 of a kilometer in 1 over 16 of an hour, which means the hiker ascended (3/4) / (1/16) = (3/4) * (16/1) = 12 kilometers in 1 hour.

Therefore, the hiker's ascent rate was 12 kilometers per hour (kph).

If three dozen muffins cost $9, what is the cost per muffin?

There are 3 x 12 = 36 muffins in three dozens.

So, the cost per muffin is $9/36 = $0.25.