A hiker ascended 3/4

of a kilometer in 1/16
of an hour. What was the mountain hiker's ascent rate in kilometers per hour (kph)?(1 point)

12 kph
12 kph

3 kph
3 kph

16 kph
16 kph

9 kph

To find the ascent rate in kilometers per hour (kph), we need to divide the distance ascended by the time taken in hours.

The distance ascended is 3/4 of a kilometer and the time taken is 1/16 of an hour.

To divide 3/4 by 1/16, we can multiply 3/4 by the reciprocal of 1/16, which is 16/1.

(3/4) * (16/1) = (3 * 16) / (4 * 1) = 48 / 4 = 12

Therefore, the mountain hiker's ascent rate is 12 kph.