Mrs. McDonald is going to buy coffee and tea for her local food pantry. At Costless she can buy a canister of coffee, c

, for $7 and a box of tea, b
, for $4. This is modeled by 7c+4b
. Evaluate for c=10
and b=8
to find how much it will cost Mrs. McDonald to purchase 10 canisters of coffee and 8 boxes of tea.




To find out how much it will cost Mrs. McDonald to purchase 10 canisters of coffee and 8 boxes of tea, we can substitute the values of c=10 and b=8 into the expression: 7c+4b.

Substituting c=10 and b=8:

7(10) + 4(8) = 70 + 32 = 102

Therefore, it will cost Mrs. McDonald $102 to purchase 10 canisters of coffee and 8 boxes of tea.

The correct response is $102.