The local food pantry has fourteen cans of green beans, forty-nine cans of corn, fifteen cans of chicken noodle soup, and eight cans of black beans. What is the ratio of cans of green beans to cans of corn in the food pantry? Represent the ratio as a decimal and round it to the nearest hundredth.

To find the ratio of cans of green beans to cans of corn, divide the number of cans of green beans by the number of cans of corn: $14/49 \approx \boxed{0.29}$.

A small reading group at the library has five girls and nine boys. What is the ratio of girls to boys? Represent the ratio as a decimal and round it to the nearest hundredth.

Michael is packing his clothes to go on a trip. He packs three T-shirts, four pairs of shorts, two sweatshirts, and five pairs of pants. What is the ratio of sweatshirts to pants? Represent the ratio as a decimal.

To find the ratio of sweatshirts to pants, divide the number of sweatshirts by the number of pants: $2/5 = \boxed{0.4}$.

Marsha loves shoes. She has six pairs of sandals, three pairs of sneakers, seven pairs of high heels, and eight pairs of flat shoes. What is the ratio of sneakers to flat shoes? Represent the ratio as a decimal and round it to the nearest hundredth.

To find the ratio of sneakers to flat shoes, divide the number of sneakers by the number of flat shoes: $3/8 \approx \boxed{0.38}$.

If there are nine rabbits, twenty-seven carrots, and eight pellets, what is the ratio of rabbits to carrots? Represent the ratio as a decimal and round it to the nearest hundredth.

To find the ratio of rabbits to carrots, divide the number of rabbits by the number of carrots: $9/27 = \boxed{0.33}$.

whats 0 divided by 0

Division by zero is undefined. Therefore, $\frac{0}{0}$ is not a valid mathematical operation.