The local food pantry has fourteen cans of green beans, forty-nine cans of corn, fifteen cans of chicken noodle soup, and eight cans of black beans. What is the ratio of cans of green beans to cans of corn in the food pantry? Represent the ratio as a decimal and round it to the nearest hundredth

The ratio of cans of green beans to cans of corn is 14/49 ≈ 0.29.

To find the ratio of cans of green beans to cans of corn in the food pantry, divide the number of green bean cans by the number of corn cans:

Ratio = Green beans / Corn cans

Ratio = 14 / 49

Ratio ≈ 0.29 (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

To find the ratio of cans of green beans to cans of corn, you need to divide the number of cans of green beans by the number of cans of corn.

- Number of cans of green beans = 14
- Number of cans of corn = 49

To calculate the ratio as a decimal, divide the number of cans of green beans by the number of cans of corn:

Ratio = 14 / 49

Using a calculator or performing the division, the result is approximately 0.2857.

Rounding it to the nearest hundredth, the ratio is 0.29.

Therefore, the ratio of cans of green beans to cans of corn in the food pantry is approximately 0.29.