Which of the following best analyzes the ruling Plessy v. Ferguson had on individual freedoms and equal protections?

The ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) had a detrimental impact on individual freedoms and equal protections. The case involved Homer Plessy, an African American man who was arrested for refusing to leave a "whites-only" train car. The Supreme Court upheld his arrest, establishing the "separate but equal" doctrine. This decision legitimized racial segregation and led to widespread discriminatory practices, predominantly against African Americans, for over half a century.

The separate but equal doctrine allowed states to enact segregation laws in various public facilities, including schools, transportation, and public spaces. This resulted in the establishment of "Jim Crow" laws, which systematically denied African Americans their fundamental rights and equal treatment under the law. These laws perpetuated racial discrimination and created a deeply divided society based on race.

By endorsing segregation, Plessy v. Ferguson directly undermined the individual freedoms and equal protections guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It effectively legitimized racial inequality, denying African Americans access to resources, opportunities, and social advancement. The ruling entrenched the notion of white supremacy and further deepened racial divisions in American society.

It was not until the landmark case of Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 that the separate but equal doctrine was overturned. However, the legacy of Plessy v. Ferguson continues to shape American history, as the struggle for civil rights and the fight against racial discrimination have remained ongoing battles in the pursuit of individual freedoms and equal protections for all.